





Our mission

We're on a mission to simplify financial data and computing so developers and their teams can spend more time building software that changes the API services forever

Knowledge is power, when you understand it - we believe financial data should be understandable and accessible for everyone. Simplicity is wise and beautiful. Finage was built by entrepreneurs with a passion. We are software engineers working for over 10 years of developing financial applications and platforms with clean, intuitive usability. Creating and innovating is the key to our vision and beliefs. We believe in the simplicity of clean and affordable financial services for individuals and businesses.

We have developed the easiest and fastest currency , stock and crypto API with the lowest latency

We create an environment where we are transparent and delivering critical information to everybody. Information is the lifeblood of the people. Earning your trust and keeping our promises to you is our most important philosophy for us. We must build trust between you and ourselves because the opportunity to serve you is larger than any one of us. We built an uninterrupted and reliable service with modern technology.

Our aim is to break out of the existing expensive, complicated and slow services and replace them with modern AI services

Why Finage

A technology first approach to finance and market data feeds

Finage Widget Collection

Visuality is the best way to demonstrate complex data for easy understanding. Select custom widgets with different color schemes to fit best on your platform. Available across most of popular platforms.

Developer Friendly

Our flexible platform works with all the tools you use every day so you can integrate it with your own methods and get started right away. You can run it in C++, Go, .Net, Node.JS, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby and HTML along with sample code and a few other features.

APIs & Web Sockets

Put your key in, integrate with detailed documents, Connect & Start with one click and you're ready to receive tailored secure real-time data with super low latency over TCP protocols.

Wide Data Coverage

There are dozens of data resources you can use on your platform. Financial statements, Ownership, Analyst’s Estimates, Stock API, Forex & Crypto API, News Sentiments, Earning Call Transcripts, Merger and Acquisitions and more are included in your request.

Press kit

Discover Finage brand assets page for official logos, icons, fonts and colors

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The Role of Smart Contracts in Automated Trading 

By now you should have heard of smart contracts. This is true especially for those that deal with cryptocurrency. This together with anything built on blockchain technology relies on smart contracts. The use of this tool extends to many areas, especially finance. They have revolutionized the way t

Strategic ETF Investments: New Perspectives for Higher Returns

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have revolutionized the investment landscape, offering investors a flexible and cost-effective way to diversify their portfolios. As the ETF market continues to expand, strategic approaches to ETF investments are becoming increasingly important for achieving higher ret

Read more

Please note that all data provided under Finage and on this website, including the prices displayed on the ticker and charts pages, are not necessarily real-time or accurate. They are strictly intended for informational purposes and should not be relied upon for investing or trading decisions. Redistribution of the information displayed on or provided by Finage is strictly prohibited. Please be aware that the data types offered are not sourced directly or indirectly from any exchanges, but rather from over-the-counter, peer-to-peer, and market makers. Therefore, the prices may not be accurate and could differ from the actual market prices. We want to emphasize that we are not liable for any trading or investing losses that you may incur. By using the data, charts, or any related information, you accept all responsibility for any risks involved. Finage will not accept any liability for losses or damages arising from the use of our data or related services. By accessing our website or using our services, all users/visitors are deemed to have accepted these conditions.

Finage LTD 2024
