





US & Global Stock Data on one convenient platform

Get real-time streaming and historical stock data with our comprehensive API. Build dynamic charts, powerful applications, and robust platforms with a single subscription.

Stocks Market Data

With Extensive Options

Real-Time Streaming

Experience live stock market data in milliseconds with Finage's powerful WebSocket and API solutions. Boost your applications with real-time insights today.

Historical Data

Access 20 years of historical stock data API, including last price, OHLCV (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume), aggregate data, and LV1 and LV2 market depth information.


Enhance your website with stock quote charts, stock news, market status, and company details through our reliable stock API, which provides comprehensive financial fundamentals data.

Finage has 100% Market Coverage, check out the full list of stock symbols.

  "symbol": "AAPL",
  "ask": 118.55,
  "bid": 118.53,
  "timestamp": 1604710766331

Stock Market JSON API

Unlimited Access to Powerful Features

Finage provides a high-performance solution with low latency, offering over 25,000+ US stock data points and comprehensive coverage of global markets.

Last Price

Historical End of Day Data

Historical Order Books (L1 & L2)

Stock Market Aggregates

Stock Market Details

Stock Market Status

Tick data


[{ "symbol": "AMZN", "ask": 3219.39, "bid": 3195, "timestamp": 1603271317358986502 }]

[{ "symbol": "AMZN", "ask": 3216.44,"bid": 3194.22, "timestamp": 1603271500302658979 }]

[{ "symbol": "AMZN", "ask": 3216.44,"bid": 3194.22, "timestamp": 1603271502055758119 }]

[{ "symbol": "AMZN", "ask": 3212, "bid": 3194.22, "timestamp": 1603271505454632038 }]

[{ "symbol": "AMZN", "ask": 3212, "bid": 3194.22 "timestamp": 1603271507351356973 }]

{"action": "subscribe", "symbols": "AMZN"}

Real-Time Stock Market WebSocket

Institutional-Level Connectivity

Finage provides a robust infrastructure for real-time market data via WebSocket. Benefit from our public server, VPS, or dedicated server options to enhance your applications. Take control of your plans and customize them on your private server. With our flexible system, you can easily modify the incoming data structure in minutes.

Last Price

Historical End of Day Data

Historical Order Books (L1 & L2)

Stock Market Aggregates

Stock Market Details

Stock Market Status

Tick data

Stock Package Pricing

Focus on Development as We Handle Your Financial Data Requirements

U.S. Stock Market

Starting at


/ month

Real-time data
Unlimited API Calls
19-Year Historical Data
Pre and post-market hours 4 AM-8 PM ET
HTTPS Encryption
Private Server Option
Premium Support

Global Stocks RT

Starting at


/ month

Real-time data
Unlimited API Calls
Historical Data
HTTPS Encryption
Private Server Option
Premium Support
Price present for one country: Canada, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia

Global Stocks DT

Starting at


/ month

Delayed data
Unlimited API Calls
Historical Data
HTTPS Encryption
Private Server Option
Premium Support
Price present for one country: UK, Germany, Singapore, Japan, China, Malaysia

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Please note that all data provided under Finage and on this website, including the prices displayed on the ticker and charts pages, are not necessarily real-time or accurate. They are strictly intended for informational purposes and should not be relied upon for investing or trading decisions. Redistribution of the information displayed on or provided by Finage is strictly prohibited. Please be aware that the data types offered are not sourced directly or indirectly from any exchanges, but rather from over-the-counter, peer-to-peer, and market makers. Therefore, the prices may not be accurate and could differ from the actual market prices. We want to emphasize that we are not liable for any trading or investing losses that you may incur. By using the data, charts, or any related information, you accept all responsibility for any risks involved. Finage will not accept any liability for losses or damages arising from the use of our data or related services. By accessing our website or using our services, all users/visitors are deemed to have accepted these conditions.

Finage LTD 2024
