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by Finage at April 4, 2021 4 MIN READ

Technical Guides

DeversiFi – A high-speed trading platform for future


DeversiFi – A high-speed trading platform capable of 9000 TPS

There is no doubt that when trading, you want to use the fastest and cheapest way to perform this critical trade, but when you trade on DEX, network congestion and the ensuing high gas charges affect your performance. In such cases, you have two options: Either wait by paying a very low gasoline price or increase the gas price and pay the gas fees accumulated over time and eat your profits.


These limitations can lead to a less than desirable experience for traders, especially those coming from centralized exchanges. For all these reasons, DeversiFi is on a mission to provide a professional trading platform for traders as the first Ethereum exchange to adopt StarkWare's Validium Rollups Layer 2 scaling technology.


Shortly DeversiFi 

DeversiFi is a self-storage layer 2 DEX that can process up to 9000 transactions per second with its zero-knowledge transaction grouping technology. With the launch of Nectar Beehive V1, a liquidity mining initiative designed to further empower the Nectar community and generate sustainable and long-term liquidity for the NEC ecosystem, the next episode of DeversiFi and Nectar ecosystem will begin and it will affect the future swaps in Defi.


The Evolution of DeversiFi

Supported by key partners such as ParaFi Capital, D1 Ventures, BR Capital, StarkWare, Bitfinex, ConsenSys and Infura, the DeversiFi and Nectar ecosystem has been one of the pioneers of liquidity mining in the DeFi field since 2017.


DeversiFi, now fully independent defi crypto system but initially incubated by Bitfinex, started its life as Ethfinex Trustless, a decentralized exchange with a hybrid infrastructure with deep liquidity from bulk order books accessing liquidity from various exchanges. Nectar (NEC) was unveiled in 2017 as one of the first liquidity mining tokens and a way to reward Ethfinex users with a share of the platform's future development, management, and success. Ethfinex finally closed its doors in August 2019, surpassing the 17000 ETH entrusted to NEC holders through the Nectar DAO, or NecDAO for short.


Bringing together the DeversiFi, NEC, and NecDAO


Nectar, whose main purpose is to promote liquidity with 50% of the transaction fees of the centralized exchange in Ethfinex and to grow the world's largest community of decentralized exchange users, moved to the remaining 17,000 ETH Nectar DAO as Ethfinex closed its doors, and NEC tokens have since and came to be seen as the governance and benefit indicator of the DeversiFi ecosystem. NEC tokens can be staked to gain reputation and become a voting member of NecDAO.


DeversiFi offers unique transaction fee discounts to NEC token holders. For example, if a trader expects to trade USD 10 million every 30 days, buying and holding 100,000 NEC can save ~ $ 4000 in fees in 30 days.


You can see from these explanations how DeversiFi and NecDAO have a symbiotic relationship. The more users trade on DeversiFi, the more NEC tokens are burned and naturally the more valuable the NEC becomes and the greater the value of potential discounts NEC holders can receive. For all these reasons, NecDAO and NEC holders benefit from generating offers that improve DeversiFi and drive more transaction volume. DeversiFi has a dedicated community of NEC stakeholders that increase transaction volumes and promote their platform in general.


Beehive: Nectar’s new liquidity mining initiative


Bringing the NEC back to the roots of rewarding market makers, Nectar Beehive V1 appears to be a new community bootstrap and liquidity mining initiative for the DeversiFi ecosystem.


Nectar Beehive will be offering multipliers of up to 2x for those trading on DeversiFi by allowing liquidity providers to share their tokens and earn NEC and BAL token rewards. Inspired by other popular liquidity mining initiatives and given for a 1-year term, NEC awards will limit the selling pressure in the market and generate a sustainable liquidity source for the NEC.


DeversiFi's roadmap for the future


DeFi's core game changer is its interoperability across platforms. Over the next few months, DeFi is projected to see a large increase in the number of protocols available at layer 1, in addition to new and existing services being moved to layer 2. DeversiFi's hybrid architecture and adaptation history is a very logical reason to take advantage of it.


With the properties given below DeversiFi seems to be a strong candidate to become a popular and leading platform:

  • Fast, smooth trading experience
  • High throughput and deep liquidity
  • Gas-Free trading
  • Privacy-by-default
  • Rapid Withdrawals 


Advantages of conditional transfers in terms of improved combinability


Beyond fast withdrawals, DeversiFi allows users to withdraw funds to new or different addresses, deposit funds directly to DeversiFi trading accounts from one address, and even allow traders to make private transactions by directly interacting with other DeFi protocols in tier 1, and conditional transfers are many new for DeversiFi users. It opens the door to probability and arbitrage opportunities.


These are important for the user to understand how holding funds in DeversiFi reduces the opportunity cost, increasing the overall efficiency of the market, enabling them to effectively seize potential opportunities in decentralized and decentralized layer 1 and layer 2 DEXs.


Discovering the synergy between DeFi and central services


DeversiFi is currently exploring and continuing to work on a number of things that will further develop DeversiFi's hybrid architecture, including zero-knowledge KYC and various regulatory licenses that allow them to supply regulated products such as derivatives and leverage not only to the United States but even to traders outside of the United States. .


Closing Thoughts


Considering DeversiFi's time and effort to create a uniquely positioned trading platform, you can easily understand that DeversiFi and the Nectar community are committed to building a sustainable platform with long-term goals. Thank you for reading.

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