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by Finage at March 15, 2021 4 MIN READ

Finage News

Finage 60,000+ Symbols Coverage | Market Feeds Data

We are produly launched our world wide stock exchanges, ETFs, premium Indices, OTC markets and more. From now on Finage support over 60.000 symbols. We are still working to expand our data sets and market deepth. We will annonce our LV2 orders books, Option data, new Commodities and more new exciting futures and market feeds as soon as possible.

We also would like to thanks our thousands of users who will be with us from begining and at the moment. We have also updated our website, dashboard, UI pages, production pages and our servers with new features to increase our users performance, user experience and more.

Today, we will check our all market feeds and avaliable endpoints in the blog. I hope you will find what you are looking for.

Finage US Stocks:

Stock data in real-time streaming and historical API. Build charts, applications and platforms with one subscription. It has over 25.000 symbols


Stock Market Data avaliable with various options

Get live stock market data in Real-Time streaming within milliseconds, and boost your application today with Finage's WebSocket & API.

Historical Data
17 years of historical stock data API for all stock exchanges with last price, OHLCV, aggregate, LV1 and LV2 market depth data.


Avaliable U.S Stock Market JSON APIs and WebSockets:

Last Price
Historical End of Day Data
Historical Order Books (L1)
Stock Market Aggregates
Stock Market Details
Stock Market Status
Tick data

Looking for more?
You can check our documentation to reach more information about Finage offers low latency and the best performance for your product with more than 25.000+ US stock data and other global markets. 

Finage Forex data feed:

Forex Data avaliable with global coverage.
Real-time and Historical Foreign Exchange (FX) rates via WebSockets and APIs from over 200 world currencies with 2000+ currencies.

Forex Data with various options

Get live forex data in Real-Time streaming within milliseconds, and boost your application today with Finage's WebSocket & API.

Historical Data
4 years of historical forex data API for all forex exchanges with last price, OHLCV, aggregate, LV1 and LV2 market depth data.

Financial Fundamentals data will empower your website with global exchange charts, forex news and market status via forex API.


Forex Data JSON APIs and WebSockets:

Last Price
Forex Aggregates
Forex Details
Forex Status
Tick data

Looking for more?
You can check our documentation to reach more information about Finage offers low latency and the best performance for your product with more than 2000+ forex, commodities, bonds and metal symbols.

Finage Cryptocurrency data feed:

Cryptocurrency Data avaliable with major exchanges.

Real-time and Historical cryptocurrency data via WebSockets and APIs from over 15 markets.


Live cryptocurrency data in Real-Time streaming within milliseconds, and boost your application today with Finage's WebSocket & API.

Historical Data
Up to 3 years of historical cryptocurrency data API with last price, OHLCV, aggregate, LV1, LV2 market depth and snapshot data via API.

Financial Fundamentals data will empower your website with cryptocurrency charts, cryptocurrency news and market status via API.


Cryptocurrency Data JSON APIs and WebSockets:

Last Price
Historical End of Day Data
Historical Order Books (L1 & L2)
Cryptocurrency Aggregates
Cryptocurrency Details
Cryptocurrency Status
Tick data

Looking for more?
You can check our documentation to reach more information about Finage offers low latency and the best performance for your product with more than 1500+ cryptocurrency symbols.


Finage Global Stocks:

We are covering Canada, India, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia stock exchanges in Real-Time and also Euronext, UK, Germany, Turkey, Brazil, Japan, China, Switzerland, Korea, Norway, South Africa, Spain,Taiwan, Malaysia, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Indonesia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Greece, Hungary, Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Italy, Czech Republic, Venezuela stock exchanges in delayed between 15-30 minute.

With these stock exchanges we have 35.000+ global stock symbols in real-time, delayed and historical way with APIs and WebSockets.

Finage Indices (Index) data feed: 

Finage has more than 1600+ index market data in real-time and historical. Our Index data coverage is almost the same as global stocks we have most volumed and popular Index feeds from the global exchanges.

Looking for more?
You can check our documentation to reach more information about Finage offers low latency and the best performance for your product with more than 1600+ Index symbols.

You can also check the all avaliable symbols with the link given below:


Finage ETF data feed:

Finage has more than 2900+ ETF market data in real-time and historical. Our Index data coverage is almost the same as global stocks we have most volumed and popular Index feeds from the global exchanges.

Looking for more?
You can check our documentation to reach more information about Finage offers low latency and the best performance for your product with more than 2900+ ETF symbols.

You can also check the all avaliable symbols with the link given below:


Final thoughts

Finage working to provide most reliable, affordable, low latency and %100 uptime connections via APIs and WebSockets. If you would like to learn more about our services and get help about your project you can contact with our data team via our consultation page.

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Please note that all data provided under Finage and on this website, including the prices displayed on the ticker and charts pages, are not necessarily real-time or accurate. They are strictly intended for informational purposes and should not be relied upon for investing or trading decisions. Redistribution of the information displayed on or provided by Finage is strictly prohibited. Please be aware that the data types offered are not sourced directly or indirectly from any exchanges, but rather from over-the-counter, peer-to-peer, and market makers. Therefore, the prices may not be accurate and could differ from the actual market prices. We want to emphasize that we are not liable for any trading or investing losses that you may incur. By using the data, charts, or any related information, you accept all responsibility for any risks involved. Finage will not accept any liability for losses or damages arising from the use of our data or related services. By accessing our website or using our services, all users/visitors are deemed to have accepted these conditions.

Finage LTD 2024
