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by Finage at November 27, 2020 2 MIN READ

Financial Statements

Finage's Financial Statements

Financial statements are the base financial data for Companies in the Stock Exchange. The best data for account software, statistics and educational purposes, lots of universities and PHD student using financial stamenets for valuation of Companies this is the belbone of Business Administration.

When you need to make validation for a company you need to fetch Cashflows, Income Sheets and Balance Sheet to see condition of a Company. Finage has Financial Staement API in realtime and historical there fore you can even look backward years and compare with the real-time values that will gives you a clear vision to see real value of a Company.

When you combine Financial stamenets with Stock API that will empower your research or applications incredibly. Lets see how to obtain Finage financial Statement API and how to use:

First of all you need to Sign-Up Finage to obtain Financial Statement API here.

Then you can follow these steps to get Financial Statements:

Cash Flow Statements

Cash flow statements of the U.S. companies.{ symbol }?limit=LIMIT&period=TIME_PERIOD&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY

  • symbol = US Stock symbol
  • limit = Response limit
  • period = Time period. Default is annual. [annualquarter]
  • apikey = Your API key


    "date": "2020-09-26",
    "symbol": "AAPL",
    "fillingDate": "2020-10-30",
    "acceptedDate": "2020-10-29 18:06:25",
    "period": "FY",
    "netIncome": 57411000000,
    "depreciationAndAmortization": 11056000000,
    "deferredIncomeTax": -215000000,
    "stockBasedCompensation": 6829000000,
    "changeInWorkingCapital": -18780000000,
    "accountsReceivables": 6917000000,
    "inventory": -127000000,
    "accountsPayables": -4062000000,
    "otherWorkingCapital": 38321000000,
    "otherNonCashItems": 0,
    "netCashProvidedByOperatingActivities": 80674000000,
    "investmentsInPropertyPlantAndEquipment": -7309000000,
    "acquisitionsNet": -1524000000,
    "purchasesOfInvestments": -114938000000,
    "salesMaturitiesOfInvestments": 0,
    "otherInvestingActivites": 0,
    "netCashUsedForInvestingActivites": -4289000000,
    "debtRepayment": -12629000000,
    "commonStockIssued": 880000000,
    "commonStockRepurchased": -72358000000,
    "dividendsPaid": -14081000000,
    "otherFinancingActivites": 0,
    "netCashUsedProvidedByFinancingActivities": -86820000000,
    "effectOfForexChangesOnCash": 0,
    "netChangeInCash": -10435000000,
    "cashAtEndOfPeriod": 39789000000,
    "cashAtBeginningOfPeriod": 50224000000,
    "operatingCashFlow": 80674000000,
    "capitalExpenditure": 7309000000,
    "freeCashFlow": 73365000000,
    "link": "",
    "finalLink": ""

Balance Sheet Statements

Balance sheet statements of the U.S. companies.{ symbol }?limit=LIMIT&period=TIME_PERIOD&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY

  • symbol = US Stock symbol
  • limit = Response limit
  • period = Time period. Default is annual. [annualquarter]
  • apikey = Your API key


    "date": "2020-09-26",
    "symbol": "AAPL",
    "fillingDate": "2020-10-30",
    "acceptedDate": "2020-10-29 18:06:25",
    "period": "FY",
    "cashAndCashEquivalents": 38016000000,
    "shortTermInvestments": 52927000000,
    "cashAndShortTermInvestments": 90943000000,
    "netReceivables": 16120000000,
    "inventory": 4061000000,
    "otherCurrentAssets": 32589000000,
    "totalCurrentAssets": 143713000000,
    "propertyPlantEquipmentNet": 36766000000,
    "goodwill": 0,
    "intangibleAssets": 0,
    "goodwillAndIntangibleAssets": 0,
    "doubleTermInvestments": 0,
    "taxAssets": 0,
    "otherNonCurrentAssets": 42522000000,
    "totalNonCurrentAssets": 180175000000,
    "otherAssets": 90482000000,
    "totalAssets": 323888000000,
    "accountPayables": 42296000000,
    "shortTermDebt": 8773000000,
    "taxPayables": 0,
    "deferredRevenue": 6643000000,
    "otherCurrentLiabilities": 47680000000,
    "totalCurrentLiabilities": 105392000000,
    "doubleTermDebt": 0,
    "deferredRevenueNonCurrent": 0,
    "deferredTaxLiabilitiesNonCurrent": 0,
    "otherNonCurrentLiabilities": 54490000000,
    "totalNonCurrentLiabilities": 153157000000,
    "otherLiabilities": 0,
    "totalLiabilities": 258549000000,
    "commonStock": 16976763000,
    "retainedEarnings": 14966000000,
    "accumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLoss": -406000000,
    "othertotalStockholdersEquity": 33802237000,
    "totalStockholdersEquity": 65339000000,
    "totalLiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity": 323888000000,
    "totalInvestments": 153814000000,
    "totalDebt": 107440000000,
    "netDebt": 69424000000,
    "link": "",
    "finalLink": ""

Income Statements

Income statements of the U.S. companies.{ symbol }?limit=LIMIT&period=TIME_PERIOD&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY

  • symbol = US Stock symbol
  • limit = Response limit
  • period = Time period. Default is annual. [annualquarter]
  • apikey = Your API key


    "date": "2020-09-26",
    "symbol": "AAPL",
    "fillingDate": "2020-10-30",
    "acceptedDate": "2020-10-29 18:06:25",
    "period": "Q4",
    "revenue": 64698000000,
    "costOfRevenue": 40009000000,
    "grossProfit": 24689000000,
    "grossProfitRatio": 0.38160375900337,
    "researchAndDevelopmentExpenses": 4978000000,
    "generalAndAdministrativeExpenses": 4936000000,
    "sellingAndMarketingExpenses": 0,
    "otherExpenses": 126000000,
    "operatingExpenses": 9914000000,
    "costAndExpenses": 49923000000,
    "interestExpense": 0,
    "depreciationAndAmortization": 2702000000,
    "ebitda": 17477000000,
    "ebitdaratio": 0.270131997897926,
    "operatingIncome": 14775000000,
    "operatingIncomeRatio": 0.228368728554206,
    "totalOtherIncomeExpensesNet": 126000000,
    "incomeBeforeTax": 14901000000,
    "incomeBeforeTaxRatio": 0.230316238523602,
    "incomeTaxExpense": 2228000000,
    "netIncome": 12673000000,
    "netIncomeRatio": 0.195879316207611,
    "eps": 0.73,
    "epsdiluted": 0.73,
    "weightedAverageShsOut": 17352119000,
    "weightedAverageShsOutDil": 17528214000,
    "link": "",
    "finalLink": ""

You can access every Cashflows, Income Sheets and Balance Sheets form US Exchanges Today with Finage API.

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