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by Finage at December 29, 2023 4 MIN READ

Real-Time Data

How to Request Market Data Via the Python API


Trading is a risky business and having every advantage available to you may not grant you immediate success, but it will give you the ability to make a good guess. The trading space offers many ways to get the necessary data, but not all of them are efficient. Getting market data from sites with the Python programming language through API has proven to be one of the more reliable ways of getting all sorts of data.


With simple entering of some lines of code, all required information is provided to you. By writing a few lines of code, traders can access and retrieve various types of data, helping them analyze market trends, prices, and other relevant information. Below, let’s look at how traders go about using this way to get relevant information.



- Requesting for the data via the right means

- Main categories to pay attention to

- How can you go about it

- Areas in the trading niche

- The importance of using the right platform

- Final thoughts

Requesting the data via the right means

While we’re here, we might as well get the process of getting market data via Python API out of the way, with the first step being finding the best platform offering the service. Different platforms tend to operate in a range of ways, but they all seem to follow the model of adding lines of code to narrow down the search to specific data.


Knowing how to make data requests begins with us looking at what type of data is typically desired. In the world of trading, it typically comes down to two types of information which are:

- Real-time data, which is perfect for fast-paced algorithmic trading

- Historical data which is mainly used for backtesting purposes

The main categories to pay attention to

Requests made will typically fall within the categories, with the code written accordingly. With this base in mind, further specifications can be made regarding anything that can bring you the most accurate data available. A few things that are entered as code to help with this further clarification include the following:

- Data based on certain indexes

- Data on both single assets

- Data on multiple assets 

- Data based on asset type

- Data on said assets based on time frequencies


If the platform you're using to gain access to the Python API is of any quality, then what's likely to be presented is a comprehensive, usually visual representation of your search. The information in such form, which includes charts of various types can then be utilized in your decision-making process to great effect.


How can you go about it?

As the above section shows, using a Python API to search for relevant stock data begins with you finding a platform from which you can begin your search. Based on what your preferences are, there are a few ways to go about the search and these are the free platforms and the subscription-based alternatives. Both tend to be equally comprehensive, with the code entered being fairly simple to understand as one could easily look for tutorials on YouTube for aid.


What does separate the two varieties, however, is that the free versions are often unstable and require multiple sources for confirmation. In addition to this, the paid versions have more in terms of features as well as the amount of information offered. This is further heightened when you think of the fact that some paid solutions use technology such as artificial intelligence to be of further help to users.


Areas in the trading niche

Having said that, either is beyond useful, depending on what it is you're looking for and what your budget is. In any case, the information you're likely to find is quite spread out, going into the following areas of the trading space:

- Stocks

- ETFs

- Cryptocurrency

- Forex


The importance of using the right platform

As the above has shown, there are a few paths to take as you search for market data via Python API. That said, you should consider what it is you're looking for and avoid having a budget as your only criterion. Yes, free tools are good for saving money but don't offer the full range of data.


Simultaneously, not every bit of data may be necessary and in such a case, you might as well use the free version if the paid solutions are out of your price range. It's also worth it to choose something easy to use, especially if you're new to this form of finding data and if you aren't used to it, the aforementioned tutorials will be of great use.


Final thoughts

With the number of daily trades being typically high on certain indexes as well as the greater stock market, the truth is that relying on some sites as your primary data source won't be up to par because of the common delays. So relying solely on certain websites for real-time data on daily trades in high-activity indexes or the overall stock market might not be ideal. This is because the websites may have common delays, and in the fast-paced world of trading, having up-to-date and timely information is crucial.


So, the implication is to consider alternative and possibly more reliable sources to ensure accurate and timely data for trading decisions. The same can be said with having access to good historical data, which is why tools such as Python APIs for trading are so valuable. Because of this value, knowing how to use them is naturally the way to go and fortunately, such solutions are generally comprehensive, with coding aid being the one thing the uninitiated require aid.

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