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by Finage at February 3, 2023 6 MIN READ

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Shaping the Landscape of Financial Advisory with Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been disrupting different industries for the past years and the financial advisory area is no exception. The use of AI in the financial world has been growing rapidly, changing the way how advisory and predicting work.


Actually, this is a real revolution in how AI was presented to the world last year, so you might have heard about big data, ChatGPT, and how you can use different tools in the financial advisory (FA) world which is where AI steps in. Here are some takeaways on how AI is shaping the financial advisor landscape and how descriptive analytics may influence the market.



- Future of the Financial Advisor business

- AI-generated investment advice

- Exploring the benefits and how the industry is forming

- Improved customer service

- Enhanced portfolio management

- Better decision-making

- Cost savings

- Engagement

- Predictive analytics

- Final thoughts


Future of the Financial Advisors' business

With its ability to process large amounts of data, identify patterns, and make predictions, AI is providing financial advisors with new tools and insights that can help them provide better advice to their clients. Whether it's through automating routine tasks, providing personalized insights and recommendations, or helping advisors understand and respond to client emotions, AI is transforming the new financial advising experience for both experts and clients.


FA landscape refers to the financial (including trading and stock market) advising industry. It encompasses the latest tech, different advisory practices, advancements and trends, and participants who impact how individuals and organizations receive and act on the financial market.


Advisors hold a key position in this field, they guide customers through the financial and investment world while keeping up with the advancements, changing trends, updates, and changes. A significant transformation impacting the FA landscape today is the advent of AI. With its capability to analyze vast amounts of data, patterns, and data and make predictions, financial advisors have access to new tools and perspectives, leading to improved solutions.


So AI helps to streamline routine procedures, provide individualized suggestions and insights, help comprehend and respond to customers' emotions, and much more. What’s more interesting as we continue speaking about the future of FAs business, let’s see some crucial aspects:

- Adoption rate — the adoption of AI in the advising industry varies, some advisors embrace it, while others are more cautious. If you know the benefits and challenges of incorporating AI into your business, it is easier to make the decision. Below we provided the main advantages.

- Data privacy and security — AI relies on large amounts of data, which raises concerns about privacy and security. You have to be sure to use AI tools that are compliant with regulations and that data is secure.

- Ethical considerations and requirements — the usage is still raising many questions and ethical concerns, such as potential biases in data and the automation of decision-making processes.

- Skills — as it will become a widespread tech in the industry, financial advisors will need to adapt their skillset to remain competitive. However, despite the advancements, there will always be a role for human advisors.


Also when incorporating AI into your practice, you need to consider how the tech will integrate with existing systems and processes. AI solutions should also be customizable and flexible to meet the unique needs of your business and customers, focusing on continuous learning and development.


AI-generated investment advice

As tech advancements play a key role in shaping the financial industry, Artificial Intelligence is quickly becoming a crucial component. With its ability to think, learn and continuously evolve and adapt, AI can revolutionize the way financial advice is given. While some organizations may be still discouraged by the upfront cost of implementation and hesitant to embrace the new tech, the benefits of AI-generated investment advice make it an attractive option for financial advisors and Registered Investment Advisors.


Initially, AI-generated investment advice was primarily used by Wall Street insiders, but it's quickly becoming more worldwide spread in the financial advisory space. AI is expected to play a vital role in:

- providing top-notch customer service,

- streamlining back-office operations,

- offering various client services,

- focusing on robo-advisor solutions.


By the way, the rise of robo-advisor and automation which rely on conventional investment models is an indication of AI's increasing influence in the financial sector. Financial advisors who overlook this emerging technology risk being left behind the main scene.


Exploring the benefits and how the industry is forming

In recent statistics, the influencers and experts shared the top benefits and ways they see AI benefiting the services in their daily routines. Here are some of the key points:


Improved customer service

AI-powered virtual assistants can provide 24/7 customer support, answering common questions and directing clients to the appropriate resources. Chatbots and virtual assistants can also:

- collect and analyze customer data

- allow financial advisors to personalize their services

- provide personalized tips and assistance

- allow you to offer customized financial advice


It is to mention that according to the above survey, around 40% of FAs see the potential of AI in enhancing customer satisfaction. Here, we talk about how management can increase client loyalty and ensure long-term customer retention.


Enhanced portfolio management

AI tools and tech advisors apply algorithms, so they quickly and thoroughly analyze market trends, further make investment decisions, and allow advisors to manage portfolios more efficiently. This in turn offers accuracy and greater precision.


You can use tools to automate the processes and portfolio rebalancing. Further, you can reduce the need for manual adjusting and minimize errors.


Better decision-making

The generated insights and descriptive analytics or predictive analysis can help financial advisors make informed decisions. They can take into account data, robo-advisors, and combine it with their knowledge which further leads to better advice to their customers and increased efficiency. Simply, automated processes and workflows powered by AI can reduce time and errors.


Cost savings

By automating routine daily tasks with AI, you can reduce manual labor,  focus more on creative tasks and help reduce operational costs. As the tools and systems can handle a large volume of data, offering insights at scale, you can focus on providing better services to more customers. This will also help to grow business as advisors have an opportunity to expand their services.



Today, customers demand a seamless blend of quality support, proper digital services, virtual interaction, and engaging participation. So we can see how different industries are shifting from hybrid to holistic advice. Also, an interesting fact is that experts are using AI to understand and process the emotions of their customers, providing an engaging experience.


Predictive analytics

AI can be programmed to help advisors identify correlations between important financial events and human decisions. It can analyze vast amounts of data, market trends, customer behavior, records, and much more according to your requests. The predictions can be used by financial advisors to make informed investment decisions. This can also help to reduce the risk of financial losses.


Final thoughts

Summing up, AI is revolutionizing the financial advisory sector, providing financial advisors with so many benefits and it is just the beginning. Will it be able to change the role of FAs? As AI tech continues to evolve, it is likely that the role of financial advisors will continue to change and adapt. Advising in this niche is complex and contains many nuances that require human soft skills as well. Emotional intelligence and the ability to understand individual financial goals and circumstances are just a few points to mention.


Sure it is still a huge question if it’s likely to replace them completely, not in the near future. However, it is crucial to remember that FA experts will need to strike a balance between leveraging the benefits of AI and maintaining a personal connection. For now, AI can automate routine tasks and provide personalized insights and recommendations, it cannot replace the touch and judgment that is principal when we talk about high-quality financial advice. By using it, you may get an amazing profit that is going to be worth it. It is an exciting topic worth discussing and researching as many companies are starting to think about whether they need AI in their products and how to go about integrating it.

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