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by Finage at March 10, 2023 6 MIN READ

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The Pros & Cons of Day Trading


As the term suggests, day trading is a type of trading that involves the opening and closing of multiple accounts within the same day. The goal is achieving modest profits within a limited time frame. Day traders do not hold any of their accounts overnight and are typically full-term active investors, as the day trading requires a substantial time commitment.


You have to be aware of real-time data and market indexes, including market leading benchmarks. Traders and investors usually depend on intraday market price changes and trade according to that. The changes can be quite big sometimes, however, the capitalization might be small. That is why multiple trades are usually made to earn significant profits. The people involved in this type of trading are divided into pattern day-traders and the ones who trade with multiple firms simultaneously.


For example, the pattern traders are limited because they must maintain a minimum of $25,000 equity and they trade 4 to 5 times per day. Whereas the other traders do not have that limitation and, therefore, the work around is to trade with multiple firms. So let’s see how you can trade profitably and check the main advantages and disadvantages.



- How to trade profitably?

- Potential benefits of using the solution

- No overnight risks

- Compounded interests

- Faster profits

- No need to report

- Several strategies

- Drawbacks you can face

- Overnight gaps

- Commissions and fees

- Requires time and thorough research

- Needs significant investment

- Higher risk of losing finances

- Final thoughts

How to trade profitably?

There are several strategies that can be utilized to earn profits. However, to gain profits, one would need experience and a good knowledge of the assets being traded. Here are a few main strategies for day trading:

- Scalping: this strategy, as the name suggests, scalps the earnings; the profits are quite minimal like 50 cents and 25 cents but there are so many investments that the overall profit is quite significant (the whole concept depends on small and insignificant changes accumulated).

- News-based: this method utilizes the news announcements of certain assets as the main source of trading. The traders usually depend on the news and new trends in the morning to make their investments, however, the news would require time to be validated.

- High-frequency: as the name suggests, high-frequency trading involves a large number of trades put into using an automated system. This type depends on the number of people investing in a certain stock. This is usually done by beginners and if you do some research before you invest, the results will certainly be better.


Now that you know what this type of trading means and the ways one can carry out it, let us talk about its main advantages and disadvantages. Evaluating the pros and cons is crucial in deciding whether it fits your investment objectives, goals and the most important ― risk appetite.


Potential benefits of using the solution

Day trading can be an appealing option for many users and investors as it can bring many benefits. One of the main pros may include the chance of earning significant profits in a quick way. Also, the opportunity to work independently and the increasing accessibility of up-to-date tech and software that have a huge influence on users when choosing this option. It is also crucial to remember to do your own research first, check useful sources about trading and use reliable data. So let’s see now other potential gains.


No overnight risks

Since the investments do not continue to the next day, therefore there are no overnight risks involved. Usually day trades close on the same day. You do not have to worry about significant changes or drops in prices during the night. You can sleep with peace that your assets would be unchanged.


Compounded interests

You receive compounded interests on the profits you get from day trading. Sometimes, you can even move the profits to the next day and gain even more profit and interests. 


Faster profits

It requires significantly less time to generate profits. It depends on your timeline and work pressure but you might just make 2 to 3 trades and get good returns. It depends on the asset and the surrounding interests related to it. You might make your trades early in the day and be done by 10 am.


No need to report

You are your own boss here so you don‘t need to report to anyone. You might want to grow your company and hire people to increase your investments and speed.


Several strategies

There are several strategies which can be used to earn profits. The advantage is that one can use various strategies. If there are risks in one way, you can use the other way. With the ability to use multiple techniques, you can adapt to changing market conditions and adjust your approach accordingly. So you can reduce risks as well.


Drawbacks you can face

It is also vital to note that such a type carries a certain level of risk, and a wrong move can lead to significant financial loss. As you have to make quick decisions that can lead to emotional and impulsive trading which may increase the chances of losing your cash. Let’s see other drawbacks.


Overnight gaps

Although your investments and trading time does not continue to the next day, there can be significant changes which you might not be aware of.


Commissions and fees

There are lots of commissions and fees involved. For example, every trade asks for commission and one performs many trades within the day. It is more than the usual long-term trading.


Requires time and thorough research

If you are choosing this type, you would require a lot of time and research into it. It may be challenging to balance day trading as a part-time job while simultaneously working a full-time job.


Needs significant investment

To start trading one would need a good investment to get good refunds. For example, usually pattern-day traders need a minimum of $25K to start. To comply with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations, pattern-day traders in the United States are obligated to maintain a minimum account balance of $25K.


Here, the day trading requirements may differ based on brokers or country regulations. Typically, you will find that you have to maintain a higher account balance than regular investors to access margin accounts and tools. It’s also essential to comply with authorities' rules to avoid penalties and account restrictions. You can find ones set by the SEC in the United States, for example.


Higher risk of losing finances

There is a higher risk of losses than long-term trading. If you have investment in a certain stock and that stock has declined, you are forced to sell it. However, that is not the case with long-term trading. One can wait for the stock to rise up and sell with good profits.


Final thoughts

To conclude, this type of short term investing has several risks despite the clear advantages and significant profits. When you are choosing if it is worth it for you, you have to consider several factors like time, investment and if you are ready to face the losses and risks. It won‘t be right to say that day-trading is good or day-trading is not worth it.


You weigh the advantages and disadvantages and consider the factors and risks involved. For some people, it might be difficult to follow the market and trends, analyze it quickly without emotions or carry out research and finally perform the trade. However, to better trade and avoid the drawbacks of day trading, you can stay informed through real-time and up-to-date market indices. It is time intensive and requires attention but at the same time it may provide good returns.

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