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by Finage at April 6, 2023 5 MIN READ

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The Role of Technology in Trading


Whether it’s on the stock trading front or the supply chain, it’s fair to say that the general financial world has seen some serious benefits from incorporating various pieces of tech. When you consider just how volatile the industry has been in general, the need for these innovations has become more obvious.


With all the development and innovations occurring at a speedy rate, you need to have a proper look at all of them to pinpoint the key points of impact. So let’s look at the major technologies that have been developed for the niche.



- General technologies

- Digital transactions

- Blockchain

- AI and ML

- Cloud

- High-frequency trading

- The Internet of Things

- Final thoughts


General technologies

Whether it's the base tools such as widgets that allow for all-around functionality such as placing orders or API, which makes execution of functions possible, a lot has changed recently. The past 25 years or so have seen a rise in the use of sophisticated solutions in the financial field at large.


Interestingly enough, at this point, the use of Fintech in trading has become a casual thing, it isn’t even noticeable by the younger generation. However, let's see the main innovations created during the fifteen years which include the following:

- Digital payment

- Blockchain

- Financial widgets

- Mobile financial apps

- Fintech solutions as a whole

- Cloud computing

- AI and Machine Learning


For example, though trading widgets often take care of things such as data visualization and trading analytics, there's a lot more to it. When it comes to algorithmic trading that unites computer software and financial markets or international trade, some of the above innovations play a much more heightened role.


Digital transactions

This can be thought of as the most important aspect of tech's role in trade as it completely streamlines the process, making it more efficient. It also makes the entire process a lot safer because transactions are a lot easier to verify, with only authenticated parties getting involved.



Ever since cryptocurrency was created, the creation of tech suited for it followed. Chief among these was the Blockchain, which is a public ledger in which all activity is recorded. This ultimately led to other innovations, one of which is the Decentralized Exchange or DEX. This technology isn't limited to cryptocurrency, however, as it can apply to the supply chain as a whole.


By having all activity become public and accessible, no party can swindle the other of anything, thus making the entire process more transparent. In addition to this, the process is much more efficient because there's no need for paperwork such as receipts and invoices as they are entirely digital.


AI and ML

With the great advancements AI has seen in the last year, it's no wonder there's a place for it in the trading sector. With the use of algorithms, machine learning tools can do many things to better automate the process and make it more accurate. Some of the key areas where Artificial Intelligence is making an impact include the following:

- analyzing and processing real-time

- analyzing historical data

- aiding trading predictions

- focusing on risk management

- producing accurate results


Despite the obvious good that can come from using artificial intelligence or machine learning in the field, it does come with some serious challenges. The main one is that the tech isn't fully formed yet and it may take a while for it to get there.


Overall security is also difficult to ensure in an entirely digital space and AI can't ensure it. It is for this reason that there's a dependence on security via regulatory compliance. Agencies such as the GDPR and its US equivalent, the CCPA do exactly this by making sure that customer data, in particular, is protected.



With communication being such a key part of the world of trade, it needs to be safe and secure among all parties involved. This is where an innovation like cloud computing comes in. Its purpose is to create a standard amongst all parties involved in the supply chain. In doing this the entire chain becomes that much more optimized.


High-frequency trading

When you delve back into the realm of stock trading, you'll find that banks and other institutions have come up with innovations of their own. One of these comes in the form of High-frequency trading (HFT). In a way similar to automation and algorithmic trading, this path gains its automatic nature from the use of computers and servers, which enhance not only accuracy but speed.


HFT is a trading strategy that combines different algorithms to execute a significant volume of trades in very brief time periods. If you use this cutting-edge technology and high-speed connections, you can analyze market data and execute trades with exceptional speed.


The Internet of Things

IoT systems are another important tech addition to the field and their purpose is to watch over multiple aspects of the supply chain at the most vital points. The aspect of inventory in particular finds such systems to be most useful as they can look at exact numbers. The same can be applied to equipment and their overall functionality


Final thoughts

Whether it’s the analysis of real-time as well as historical data or the assessment and management of risks, it’s fair to say that the inclusion of technology of all kinds to the mix has made things exponentially better. The efficiency with which trading operations can occur is now at an all-time high.


That said, challenges will come in the form of oversaturation and lack of innovation, which are likely to be faced in a competitive market. In any case, technology will advance and innovations will come. All this will bring further challenges, which are to be met. Seeing how far the last few years have brought us, it'll be even more interesting to see what new technologies the trading sector is going to adopt.

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