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by Finage at January 6, 2023 4 MIN READ


Uncertainty of the Stock Market 2023: How to Play It


Predicting what the year ahead is going to be like is always a challenge. The volatile market trends from the past two years are a clear indication that getting an accurate prediction will be quite difficult. However, one thing for sure is 2023 will be full of many economical developments.


With so much uncertainty, what is the best way to go about the stock market? With more restrictions from the federal reserve, economic growth is expected to slow down. The huge blows suffered in 2022 leave a lot of doubts for the coming year. Here are some to consider!



- Financial growth

- Will the stock market bounce back?

- Declining corporate revenue

- Other challenges that companies may face

- What can traders do?

- Final thoughts


Financial growth

It should come as no surprise that investors are looking for stable deals. Investors want to be certain that they will get a good deal and make big profits.


The question is will there be more focus on value or market growth? Just like what happened with the coming of the internet, the two might not be separate entities. Marketers will start viewing these two as the same. This is as opposed to what has been the case in the last decade, with more emphasis on growth.


Will the stock market bounce back?

Throughout the years, the federal reserve has influenced the stock market. It still chips in if market prices are going down and has control over regulation inflation. Whenever the stock market collapses, the Federal Reserve offers support, which leads to a quick recovery.


The difference this time is that the Federal Reserve is still reluctant to offer support. This could be because of the overall slow growth of the economy.


While there might not be significant shifts forward, the market is not likely to suffer new lows in 2023. For substantial lows to occur, there will have to be a significant new event as was seen with the war in Ukraine. There might be some dips but not something to worry about.


The first half of the year may have some lows but things will start stabilizing as the year closes. Regardless of these expectations, traders should always keep in mind that any excess can easily tip into losses. This will prepare you for any events.


Declining corporate revenue

The decline in corporate revenue is another thing to consider. How does this influence the stock market? When corporate revenue declines, there are higher chances of experiencing a recession. This in turn forces companies to cut down on expenses as the percentage of earnings also reduces.


The toughest challenge for businesses will be how to create balance:

- First of all, sales may go down while the cost of labor increases.

- This may cause changes and may force many to cut down on expenses by hiring fewer employees.

- Despite this, S&P is likely to have a profit margin of more than 10% (it is just less than a 0.3% increase from 2022).


The same is likely to happen across Wall Street as more cuts on expenses are made. The first quarter will have an improvement of 1%. There won't be another improvement until the final quarter as predicted by experts. The second and third are likely to fall.


The good thing is that once prices start picking up, stocks are likely to bounce. This might be the case as 2023 approaches the end.


Other challenges that companies may face

A potential challenge for small companies is how to survive the rough waters of the recession. Many may end up being swallowed up by larger ones due to less revenue. An example is how Adobe bought out its rival Figma in a $20 billion deal.


Despite this, the number of mergers will still be low, especially once the recession sets in. The same applies to acquisitions. As the recession declines there will be more deals. Traders can make more from trades by getting shares before a merger or acquisition. This is known as merger arbitrage. There is still a risk of making losses should the company experience major losses.


What can traders do?

With so many changes, how can investors make the most of their trades? One of the most important things to remember is that old strategies won't work. Looking at what has been done over the last decade won't be helpful. Instead, try to find new strategies. Also remember that if you lost an investment, the only way to recover losses is by investing in something completely different. Otherwise, you risk suffering the same losses.


Also, avoid being too over-enthusiastic. There won't be any huge margins on investments for the next few years. Keep expectations to the minimum while making investments.


Final thoughts

The financial and stock market industry faces a lot of challenges in 2023. Investors need to consider the declining economy and increase the cost of expenses while making investments. The key to a successful 2023 is applying new strategies. Do not be overzealous and be realistic about profit margins.


The recession will influence prices. But things are likely to pick up as the year progresses. While there may be economic growth, it won't be by a huge margin. It would be best to avoid tech stocks and focus more on Wall Street. That way traders can make less risky trades. Making fewer losses is a better way of increasing revenue in an uncertain economic year.

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