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by Finage at May 16, 2021 5 MIN READ


What are stocks, shares and equities?


Stock trading has been one of the biggest focuses of people for almost hundreds of years. People and companies that want to grow their assets with some risk have shown great interest in stock trading, and many have made huge gains from it. Warren Bufffet, Peter Lynch, etc. are examples of people who earn the most from stock and share trading. Stocks, shares, and equities are all words for ownership units in one or more firms. The owner, also known as a shareholder, will be entitled to a portion of the company's earnings in the event of a dividend payment, as well as voting rights.


In finance, the phrases are frequently used interchangeably, however there are significant technical differences between them that might cause confusion. The plural term shares often refers to units of ownership in a single firm, but equities and stocks are commonly used to refer to pieces of ownership in many companies. The importance of a shareholder's vote and the amount of dividends they get are determined by the number of shares issued by a firm and the percentage of those shares that they own. If a corporation has 10,000 shares in circulation and a person owns 1000 of them, they are considered to own 10% of the firm.



Finage has rich and varied resource data available to anyone on the internet. In addition, it provides these source data to its users through interfaces such as financial data feed, stock quote api, market data feed api, market data feed api, which investors can use as a guide in the stock market.

Stock APIs have become very useful and preferred because they can quickly and easily connect data consumers such as traders, investors and software developers to the right and most relevant data sources. In addition, APIs allow you to obtain stock market data and make simple, consistent and predictable forecasts.

Stock APIs aim to facilitate and accelerate data sharing, access and payment transactions. You can also easily synchronize data across different applications using these APIs.

The foundation of analytical trading strategies is reliable stock prices. In the analysis to be carried out before determining the strategy, it is necessary to use current and accurate stock prices in order to correctly evaluate the market situation and past stock prices of back tests.


How do stocks, shares and equities work?

Buying and selling stocks takes place in marketplaces known as the stock market, using methods that involve similar bargains as in classical trade. These exchanges make exchanging stocks quite easy.

When you buy a share, you will receive the share rights from the relevant company. The higher the value of the company, the higher the value of your shares and the more profitable you are. In this way, you will have the right to receive dividends and vote in the general assembly. One of the oldest and most effective methods that traders use when creating their trading plans is fundamental analysis. In the logic of fundamental analysis, the operation of all companies is considered the same. Businesses have expenditures, investments and income. Whatever sector you are in, you must perform these activities. These activities are reduced to the level of numbers in the stock market, ensuring that stocks of companies in different fields are comparable with each other. Revenues, SMM, SG&A expenses, R&D expenditure, gross and net profit margins, P / E and PEG ratios and free cash flow are some of the measurement tools that can be used to compare the stocks of companies.

However, it should not be forgotten that as the value of the company decreases, your shares also lose value.


Why do companies list on the stock market?

The fundamental motive for corporations listing their stock is to raise funds by selling their shares to individual investors and institutions on the public equity market. This is an alternative to privately raising funds from venture capitalists.

The majority of businesses will go public on a domestic market. In the United Kingdom, for example, most shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) or the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) (AIM). However, corporations are increasingly having multiple listings in order to take advantage of overseas investment.


How many shares are there in a company?

There is no universal rule about the number of shares companies will offer to the market. For this reason, the number of shares differs from company to company. Buying or selling shares of the company may change the number of shares in circulation from time to time.


How much is a share worth?

When we say the value of a share, two different meanings should come to mind, namely the real value and the market value. Real value is the company's fundamental value. Market value is the price that individuals or institutions are ready to pay in the market. There is almost always a difference between market value and real value. This situation is shaped by the demands of the individuals. As the demand increases, the share value will increase proportionally.


Why trade shares?

In stock trading in classical ways, people seek to buy stocks and profit from their rise. However, derivatives are becoming increasingly popular as they also profit from stock reductions and offer higher chances of return.


When you trade stocks through leveraged products such as CFDs, you only need to deduct a fraction of the required capital known as a margin. This allows you to open more transactions than the money you have in your account. While leverage has significant benefits, it also brings risks.



What are the risks of trading stocks?

The risks of trading stocks with CFDs differ according to the leverage ratio. Protecting yourself would be a logical move, as your losses could be much more than your main money. The easiest way to provide this protection is to use stop loss.


Final thoughts about how to trade stocks

Before performing these transactions in financial markets, detailed research should be carried out on the benefits and risks of these transactions. As a result, if you create and trade financial products, using Stock APIs allows you to take predictable and safe steps with fast and accurate data flows. However, it is necessary to be careful to choose the Stock API.  that provides the tools you need according to your trading strategies. The APIs exemplified above are suitable for providing the data and tools you need.


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